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Written Test Study Guide

I. Scent theory

    A. Diffusion

    B. Meteorological effects

    C. Air Flow

    D. Raft theory

II. Topographic features and navigation

    A. Symbols

    B. Map representation vs. visual ID

    C. Scales

    D. Grids and coordinates

    E. Declination adjustments

    F. Bearings

    G. Triangulation

    H. Navigation techniques

III. Subject Characteristics/Behavior

    A. Physical description

    B. Mental description

    C. Medications/health problems

    D. Subject Profile/previous history

IV. Radio

    A. DOGS-East call sign

    B. Sign on/off Procedure

    C. Frequencies/"state-wide"

    D. SOPs for radio use

    E. Phonetic alphabet/standard phrases

V. Vocabulary

    A. See Glossary in Applicant package


    A. Structure

    B. Position responsibilities

    C. Who's in charge

VII. Canine First Aid

    A. Standard vital signs and how you determine them

    B. Treatment for common injuries

    C. Medications

VIII. Survival Training

    A. Basic survival gear that you should always carry

    B. Shelter construction

    C. Fire construction

IX. Search strategy

    A. Types of searches

    B. Conditions that influence search strategy

    C. Bail out plan

X. Managing search operations

    A. Responsibilities of first D-E teams to arrive at the scene

    B. General responsibilities of the search manager

    C. Crucials of search

    D. Determine subject characteristics

    E. Compile crucial search data

    F. Develop search strategy


    A. What is the POD?

        1. Why is it important?

        2. How is it used?

    B. How do you determine the POD?

    C. How do you alter your search strategy to obtain a desired POD?

XII. Map marking

    A. Where the handler traveled.

    B. Wind direction

    C. Alerts/areas of interest

XIII. Whistles/flagging tape

    A. Meaning of whistle blasts

    B. Meaning of flagging tape

    C. Labeling flagging tape

XIV. General equipment

    A. In your pack

    B. In your car

    C. What's good/what's bad

XV. Evacuation

    A. Victim found-status

    B. Injured team member

XVI. State and DOGS-East SOPs

XVII. References for the written exam